How to Play Minesweeper like a Pro

How to Play Minesweeper like a Pro

Minesweeper is an old computer game that blends strategies and logic, demanding players to clean an array of mines and not detonate any. Although it seems like a simple concept, Minesweeper requires a blend of both deductive and meticulous plan to learn. This tutorial will guide you through the basic rules of Minesweeper beginning with the mechanics of the game to more the most advanced techniques to enhance the game.

Game Basics

1. The Goal

The main objective of Minesweeper is to show every square in the grid which do not contain mines. It ends the non-mined squares are clear or when you select the mines, which payoff with an explosion and an eventual loss.

2. Game Layout

The Minesweeper game typically takes place with a grid that is rectangular in which each of the cells could contain a mine, or empty. The dimensions of the grid as well as the amount of mines are determined based on the level of difficulty you select the level you want to play at: Beginning (9×9 grid that has 10 mines) and Intermediate (16×16 grid that has 40 mines) as well as Expert (30×16 grid that contains 99 mines).

3. Flags and numbers

  • Numbers If you open the square, it could reveal a number between 1-8. This indicates the number of mines reside within that cell. A cell with the number “3” contains three adjacent cells that contain mines.
  • Flags You are able to mark the suspected mines with flags in order to be sure not to accidentally click on the flags. Click on the cell with the right mouse button to put the flag. This can help to keep track of the exact location you believe the mines are.

Playing the Game

1. The Game’s First Start

For the first time, you need to click the appropriate cell in the grid. Game will show an unidentified number or empty space. If you choose to click on a mine, then the game will end which means you’re out. But, if you click on a specific number, it informs you of the amount of mines that are in this cell.

2. Revealing Cells

For cells to be revealed, select the cells to reveal them. If the cell appears empty and you click on it, it’ll reveal an area larger surrounding it, which will reveal more cells. The process may reveal diverse cells and benefit you locate safe areas as well as potential mines.

3. Utilizing Numbers to Find the purpose of locating clues

The numbers that appear on cells provide clues. In the example above, if the cell displays an “1,” there is just one mine inside the cells that are adjacent. This information can be used to figure out the location of mines and the safest place to move on.

4. Flagging and marking

If you believe that a cell is contaminated with mines, click right to make the flag. This will stop accidentally clicking on the cell. You can also mark cell with the question mark in case you’re unsure of the status of those cells.

5. Cleaning the Grid

In order to remove the grid it is necessary to expose the non-mined cells. Utilize the number and the flags to benefit guide your plan. After you’ve identified all mines properly and have revealed every safe cell and won the game, you are in control.

Advanced Strategies

1. Pattern Recognition

When you’re playing more Minesweeper and you’ll be able to recognize the certain patterns that benefit to determine the location of mines. As an example, if you spot an “1” next to the “1,” and both are protected with flagged cells it is possible to usually determine the location of mines. put.

2. Probability and guessing

In more complex scenarios in which logic by itself is not able to determine the exact location of mines You may have to come up with an educated guess. Make use of probability as a guideline for your choices, and focus on the areas in which the chance of a mine being struck is low.

3. Training and perseverance

Minesweeper is an excellent game to practicing. As you practice it, the more adept you’ll be in recognizing patterns and taking important decision-making. It’s important to be patient, because hurrying can cause errors.


Minesweeper is a sport that demands strategies, logic and perseverance. If you are able to understand the mechanics of the game, together the numbers and flags effectively with advanced strategies, you’ll be able to enhance the game and improve your odds of winning. Keep practicing to rise your game, you’ll soon be getting better at maneuvering the minefield and clearing your grid in a confident manner.